1.For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell.

(1)well n. 井;水井 例如:
  The farmer was pumping water from a well. 那个农民正从井里抽水。
(2)well adj. in good health 健康的;安好的 例如:
  I'm quite well, thank you! 我很好,谢谢你!
(3)well adv. in a good, right, satisfactory manner 好;对;满意 例如:
  He speaks English well.他的英语说得很好。

2.In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.

  too...to: 太……以至于不能……,该句型和so...that...结构所表达的意思一样。例如:
  Paul was too angry to speak.
  =Paul was so angry that he couldn't speak. 保罗非常愤怒,竟说不出话来。
  He was too tired to go any farther.
  =He was so tired that he couldn't go any farther. 他太疲倦,不能再往前走了。

3.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.

  该句也可以改写为:Mice ran out of the fields and looked for places to hide。
  looking for places to hide为现在分词短语,在此作状语,一般放在句末,但也可以放在句首。例如:
  He sat in an armchair watching TV.
  Singing and laughing, the pupils came into the room.

4.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.

  burst vt. & vi. (burst, burst)使爆炸;爆裂;突然闯进 例如:
  If you get much fatter, you'll burst your clothes.
  The balloon burst.
  He burst into the room.
  = He broke into the room. 他闯入室内。

5.But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night.

  who thought little of these events是非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句与限制性定语从句不同,它不能用that引导,只能用who, whom, whose或which引导,并用逗号和主句分开。例如:
  The persons, who knew about the floods, took another road.
  The wine, which was in the room, was all ruined.

6.At 3:42 am everything began to shake. 凌晨3点42分,一切都开始摇晃起来。
  shake vt.& vi(shook, shaken)使摇动;挥动;战抖 例如:
  He shook the tree and a cloud of leaves fell to the ground. 他摇晃着树,叶子纷纷落在地上。
  The poor girl was shaking with cold. 这个可怜的女孩冷得发抖。
  His voice trembled with anger. 他的声音因愤怒而发颤。
  We were trembling with cold / excitement. 我们因寒冷(兴奋)而颤抖。

7.It seemed that the world was at an end!  世界似乎到了末日!
(1)It seems (that)...seem后可以跟形容词类的单词,也可以跟一个that 引导的从句,意思是“似乎;看来;仿佛觉得”。例如:
  Ted didn't seem very sure. 泰德似乎不太肯定。
  It seems that he was late for the train. 看来他没赶上火车。
  It seems to me that she knew what had happened. 我似乎觉得她知道发生了什么事。
(2)at an end 结束;到……之尽头 例如:
  The war between the two countries was at an end. 两国的战争结束了。
  He was at the end of his resources (机智). 他已经黔驴技穷。
  in the end=at last 最后,最终
  come to an end 结束,完毕
  without end 无尽地,无休止地

8.One third of the nation felt it. 全国三分之一的地方都有震感。
  one third 是分数“1/3”。在英语中,分数的读法是先用基数词读分子,再用序数词读出分母。当分子大于1时,分母要用复数形式的序数词。例如:
  1/3读作:one third 或 a third;
  1/4读作:one quarter 或a quarter;
  3/4读作:three quarters 或three fourths;
  1/2读作:one half 或 a half。

9.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals.

  that was eight...wide 是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词crack,意为:一条八公里长,三十米宽的巨大裂缝。在课文中,类似的结构还有:
  The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.
  Workers built shelters for survivors whose home had been destroyed.

10.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 在可怕的十五秒钟内,一座大城市就沦为一片废墟。
(1) lie v. (lay, lain) be kept, remain, in a certain state or position 保持在某种状态或位置 例如:
  The man lay in prison after the war. 战争过后,这个人就开始坐牢了。
  The snow lay thick on the ground. 雪厚厚地堆积在地上。
(2)be in ruins一片废墟;落空 例如:
  The town lay in ruins after the fire. 大火之后,这个城市成了一片废墟。
  My plan for the summer holiday is in ruins. 我的暑假计划落空了。

11.Sand now filled the wells instead of water. 井里满是沙子,而不是水。
(1)fill v. 使满;充满 例如:
  Tears filled her eyes. 她眼中充满了泪水。
  The smoke filled the room. 烟弥漫了整个房间。
 fill 常与with连用,fill...with 意为“用……填满;充满”。例如:
  The boy filled the bottle with water. 这个男孩装了一瓶水。
  Soon the hall was filled with people. 很快大厅就挤满了人。
(2)instead of相当于in place of 意为“代替”,后接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。例如:
  Shall we have meat instead of fish today?我们今天不吃鱼,改吃肉如何?
  I will go instead of you. 我愿意代替你去。

12.Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.

  trap v. in a place from which one wants to escape but can not 困住;陷于绝境 例如:
  The hunter trapped the bear by providing it a dead deer.
  Some cheese helped us trap that mouse.